Camden Foundation Membership Form
The Camden Foundation is a non-profit charity dedicated to keeping the spirit of Camden High alive. Donations provide funding for an annual scholarship, which is awarded to a student in the Cambrian Park area, and for the support of other activities supporting local youth.  The foundation is also involved in the preservation of archival materials pertaining to Camden High School.
Annual Membership Fee $25.
Lifetime Membership Fee $500.

Initial membership includes a lapel pin. The membership fee is tax deductible.
To join please print out this form and mail it, along with your check, to –
The Camden Foundation
Post Office Box 720
Los Gatos, California 95031

Please answer the following questions so that we may better serve you.
Did you attend Camden High?  Yes   No
If so please indicate what year graduating class you were in.
Note- please circle the year of graduation even if you did not graduate from Camden.
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
If you did not attend Camden, what interested you in joining the Foundation?
My children attended Camden. _______
My parents attended Camden _______
I was employed at Camden __________
I live/lived in the Cambrian Park area ______
I have no connection to Camden High but admire the Foundation’s goals __________
Other (please explain) ________________________________________________
Full name   ________________________________________________________
Maiden name, if applicable   ___________________________________________
Mailing address:

          Street _______________________________________________________
 City/state/zip ______________________________________________________
 Phone number with area code _____________  Email address_________________